Friday, March 20, 2015


Synthetic foods are made by chemicals and are the new technology of food. An example of a synthetic food is a gummy worm. It is made by chemicals and nothing in it is made by humans. The gummy worm isn't healthy for you. First of all it is candy! Candy can ruin your body because of the certain chemicals it has In there. The gummy worm can affect this world a lot. If more people start eating gummy worms more often they will become unhealthy. If this world turns to an unhealthy world it can ruin us as people. All of the activities us humans used to do will be gone. We need to take away these foods and keep on going on the healthy track.

Sources: Foster,Tom. Can Arfifical meats save the world. March 17,2015.

Did you know gummy worms were this gross. March 17,2015.

1 comment:

  1. Question: are all synthetic materials bad? Much of the food we eat contains synthetic materials. In fact, I'd say over 3/4 of the food you buy at the grocery store has some sort of synthetic coloring, preservative, or packaging. Does that mean we're all eating to our deaths?
