Friday, January 23, 2015

Hunting the elements.

Think past: What I have already known about the Periodic Table of Elements is that there are 118 elements. I knew the first 13 elements. All the elements in the periodic table are all living material. The first ever element was technetium.

Think present: What I learned in the video is that they all elements have a purpose. All the elements are used in something that man can use in this world. I also learned that Dmitri Mendeleev was the founder of the Periodic Table of Elements. I cool fact I learned is that neodymium is found in magnets.

Think future: I would like to know more about the elements. I would also like to know about the story about each element. The most interesting thing I learned in the movie was when they used samarium in the shark tank. They placed the magnet out of the tank and the sharks could still feel the electric pulse.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Solar cookers

      I learned a lot about solar cookers. Reflcection is a big part of solar cooking. In solar cookers reflection is used to heat the food. When you place the food in the box, you place mirrors or some type of flat surface to reflect the surface to heat it. Ivanpah is a type of reflection. Ivanpauh has 170000 mirrors that reflects by the sun. Ivanpauh is a concentrated solar thermal plant in las vagas. When our class did a solar project, My group and I did queso. It heated pretty well and got up to a good enough temperature to eat. Solar cookers are a big part of this world. why? Solar cookers help people all over the world that can't heat food. So they come in and show the people how to heat food, so they can eat. Solar cooking has changed. I'm glad that I learned about solar cooking becuase now when I sit down and eat, I am blessed that I am able to eat food, when people can't afford it.